Today, I went to meet my supervisor at the ICT building. It took about more than 20 mins from my hotel to ICT building. I just tested how far it is from my place to there by walking and realized it was pretty far. Also, it was raining a lot in this morning and my walk to there was not that smooth. The places, buildings, and streets/roads are not much changed during my absence within a year plus. I am still close to them. I had a nice discussion with my professor about my future plan for the study and overall it was pretty positive. I am glad that Prof is really supportive. I could not manage to go to local authority office to register my stay in Turku because I forgot my passport at the hotel. As usual, Turku is very typical Finnish small town. Everything is in the slow pace. The weather is a bit dull and cloudy. So I did not have a fresh and motivating mood. It's pretty cold out there though temperature is about 14C. Though it's a quiet, lovely, and small town, I feel a b...